There are 4 main criteria that should be considered when buying a diamond and that determine the value of the diamond. These criteria are determined by authorities on diamonds and precious stones worldwide. These criteria are called the 4C rules for diamonds. Let's examine these criteria in order.
The first of these is the value that affects the price the most. Carat is the unit of weight of the diamond, that is, the weight it shows when placed on the scale.
Second is Color, there are 20 colors from D to Z. D is the whitest and as you go down, that is, as you get closer to Z, it gets yellower and its price decreases. H is the last letter of the color white scale and from I color onwards it is called very light colored white. However, the visible yellowness starts from JK color onwards.
Our third criterion is clarity. Clarity is actually the most difficult criterion to choose for a diamond. When you look inside a diamond, there is a scale according to the size, size, color and shape of the traces you see or cannot see. This requires much more expertise and is a feature that can be determined in a laboratory environment or by experts. The smaller or harder to see the traces, the more valuable the diamond is.
Our fourth level is the cut. Cut is the only criterion that human beings affect on the diamond, in other words, they make themselves. There is a cutting standard that gives the best brilliance to every diamond. The most ideal are called Excellent and Very Good cuts. The less a diamond shines than ideal, the thicker it is cut, and you will notice this over time. It is very difficult to use a diamond that does not shine with pleasure. The more light that enters the diamond travels as much as possible, meaning it shines very brightly. For this reason, we do not recommend cut degrees below Good cut.
Every Diamond is Special and Different
Having these 4 criteria at or above the standard will cause your diamond to shine brightly, but of course we do not call these defects, each diamond is special and different.
Before purchasing a diamond, researching and being informed about the subject will allow you to make a correct and safe purchase. For this reason, we care about sharing accurate information with you from experts like us.