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Uluslararası Sertifikalar

International Certificates

Diamonds are divided into two worldwide. Internationally certified diamonds and loose diamonds (Loose Diamonds). Loose diamonds are only diamonds that have not been certified, that is, have not been put into a laboratory and whose criteria have not been finalized. Meanwhile, the quality of an open diamond international certificate The owner may be better than a diamond.

The international certificate is the passport of a diamond. In other words, no matter where you go in the world, it is certain that the data of that stone is what is written on the certificate. Accordingly, a market value is formed and it always maintains its value through diamond exchange prices. At the same time, it is closed to interpretation, what does this mean; a diamond can appear in different colors in different lights and to different eyes. If it has a certificate, the laboratory finds and tells the color of that diamond, and this is used as a document proving that the criteria of the diamond are correct in every light and angle.

There are over 200 laboratories in the world that certify diamonds. The most well-known of these are;

  • GIA (Gemological Institute Of America) – (Gemological Institute of America)
  • HRD Antwerp (Hoge Raad voor Diamond) – (Diamond High Council)
  • IGI (International Gemological Institute) – (International Gemological Institute)

The differences between these laboratories are their origins and the fact that their preferences change in different parts of the world. For example; While GIA (Gemological Institute of America) is preferred in America, HRD is more known and preferred in Europe and IGI is more preferred if we go further east. However, you can trust and shop from all 3 laboratories in our country. Of course, what really matters here is the color, clarity, carat and cut. diamond 4C Please also remember that there are rules.

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